Transitioning to 100% renewable energy is essential for addressing climate change and increasing the quality of life for people around the world. Renewable energy means no more mining for coal or drilling for oil, which creates safer and healthier environments for everyone. Click on the dots to learn about the cool organizations working on renewable energy, with a special focus on bringing clean power to vulnerable communities.
The Solutions Project is accelerating the transition to 100% clean energy by providing real-time support to frontline leaders and organizations in the United States. Proceeds from the Earth will support the Solutions Project’s Funds which supports community-based organizations and leaders that are removing barriers to affordable clean energy for all. The Solutions Project encourages equity-rooted strategies, diverse leadership, and just transitions that are central to the call for 100% clean, renewable energy.
The rainforests of the Amazon are called the “lungs of the planet” because they absorb 2 billion tons of carbon each year and produce one-fifth of the oxygen we breathe. Today, parts of the Amazon sit on oil, and petroleum companies are harming the forests and waters of the Indigenous peoples who live there. Amazon Frontlines supports these communities as they defend their lands, water, and culture, including achieving economic and energy independence with access to renewable energy.
NDN Collective is dedicated to building Indigenous power across North America and defending native lands from fossil fuel interests while transitioning to a sustainable future. Their efforts include supporting renewable energy projects on Native lands, and regenerative and equitable community development solutions. NDN works to support the growing Indigenous people’s movement and the directly impacted frontline communities. NDN does this through fellowships, grant making, capacity building and running issue-based campaigns.
#FridaysForFuture is a movement that began in 2018 after 15 year old Greta Thunberg sat in the Swedish parliament every school day for three weeks to protest their lack of action on the climate crisis. Greta, and now students all over the world, continue to strike every Friday using the hashtags #FridaysForFuture and #ClimateStrike to protest their government’s inaction and demand that we transform our energy system, reduce our emissions, and prevent the worst effects of climate change.
Some of us take nature for granted! Sure, it’s beautiful, but it’s essential for life as well. Without healthy forests, oceans and other natural ecosystems, we would be utterly doomed here on Earth. Nature produces the freshwater we drink, the air we breathe, the birds and insects that pollinate our crops, and it also acts as a sponge, absorbing half our carbon emissions. The circle of life is a totally real thing. Click on the dots to learn about charities that are working on protecting and restoring biodiversity in our wildlands and oceans.
A small parcel of land can make a big difference to vulnerable species, creating long-term opportunities to protect and connect vital habitats. However, the chance to purchase important land often happens quickly and requires swift financial commitment. The Quick Response Fund for Nature (QRFN) was established to address this critical gap, focusing on protecting the last homes of rare and endangered species. Proceeds from Earth will support QRFN.
Sharks and rays play a critical role in regulating our ocean’s health, maintaining species diversity and contributing to coastal livelihoods. However, shark and ray populations are declining rapidly, with an estimated 100 million sharks and rays killed each year. Proceeds from Earth will benefit the Shark Conservation Fund which is dedicated to halting the exploitation of the world’s sharks and rays and preventing their extinction. To date SCF has supported 54 projects in over 40 countries.
A century ago, 200,000 wild lions roamed across Africa. Today, only 20,000 are left and they roam less than 80% of their former range. With effective community-driven conservation measures, lion populations could be three to four times greater. The Lion Recovery Fund (LRF) invests in the most innovative and effective projects across Africa to recover lions and restore their landscapes with 100% of funds deployed directly on the ground.
The Leuser Ecosystem is 6.5 million acres of rainforest on the island of Sumatra, and the last place on earth where orangutans, rhinos, elephants, and tigers still exist together in the wild. But the area is under siege. Its vast forests are being relentlessly destroyed for quick profit, pushing iconic wildlife to the brink of extinction. Join the movement by supporting organizations and communities on the ground fighting to protect this irreplaceable ecosystem.
In 2015, 21 young Americans filed a constitutional climate lawsuit (Juliana v. U.S.) against the U.S. government which alleges that actions taken by the government have caused, and perpetuate, climate chaos in violation of their generation’s constitutional rights to life, liberty, and property. They also allege that the government has failed in its duty to protect essential public trust resources. This campaign aims to secure the legal right to a stable climate and healthy atmosphere.
According to the United Nations, food systems account for about one-third of the greenhouse gas emissions responsible for climate change. And on top of that, one-third of the Earth’s soils that are dedicated to those food systems are severely degraded by our actions. That forces deforestation in exchange for more farmland. And that ain’t good. But there is some good news! The soils can be restored. We just have to tweak how we’re growing and creating our food, ASAP. And farmers and ranchers are a huge part of the solution. Click on the dots to see some of the great organizations working to teach carbon farming and regenerative agriculture methods to farmers.
Carbon Cycle Institute works with farmers who have been impacted by climate change and soil degradation, helping them to restore their soils through carbon farming and rangeland management. Proceeds from Earth will help CCI develop and implement ‘Carbon Farming Plans’ for farms and ranches, identifying the potential of their soils to pull carbon out of the atmosphere and put it into the ground, where it can improve soil health and increase farm productivity and resilience.
Global Greengrants Fund supports community-based efforts to address climate change through a grassroots strategy to implement and scale solutions. This fund is helping small scale farmers around the world use regenerative agriculture to draw carbon back into the soil and restore the health and biodiversity of farmland. Proceeds from Earth will support Global Greengrants.
The CLIMA Fund provides grants directly to farmers and indigenous people on the frontlines of climate change, who are experiencing deforestation and other land conversions. The Fund supports these communities in protecting their lands and water rights, creating sustainable livelihoods and sequestering carbon to cool the planet through agroecology. The fund focuses especially on empowering women, youth and indigenous peoples who are building resilience to climate change..
Composting is a multifaceted solution to climate change. Composting our food scraps rather than sending them to the landfill drastically reduces methane emissions from unmanaged organic matter that is currently in our landfills. When compost is applied to lands, it increases carbon sequestration and nutrients in the soil and our food. LA Compost is building a model in Los Angeles that brings food waste back to the circular model that nature intended through community composting hubs.